Title: Embedding exam preparation in learning activities
Teacher: Yıldız Erdoğmuş
SCHOOL: Çepni Primary School-Afyonkarahisar
Level: Secondary school- 8th grade students
Subjects: English-Language Learning,Personal Goals,Personality Types
Time: 8 hours
Management: Whole class, teamup groups
Aims: The ultimate aim is to encourage students to take the responsibility oftheir own learning process by working with thier peers from Both theircountries and foreign countries and share their work with others with the helpof innovative technology. Students include the usage of the technological toolsin theireducation.The students will be able to ask and answer questions aboutLanguage Learning,Personal Goals,Personality TypesThe students will be able to express personal goals and outcomes, want anddesires,purpose ,cause and result and give reasons.The students will be able toidentify and express personal strenghts and weakness, describe people in termsof personal qualities.The students will be able to express opinions andjudgements, describe something in a simple list of points.They will be able toperform and respond to basic language functions such as informationExchange and requests and express opinions and attitudes in a simple way.
Assumed knowledge: Assumed knowledge:Use of English Language:in orderto,adj+enough,revision of structures learnt before, main tenses, ,adjectives/adverbs, suggestions, requests and sentence
*Offline: Course book, pictures, flash cards, worksheets Open Office / Powerpoint /Video recording via webcam.
*Online: Teamup tool, Google Docs,facebook,twitter , e-mails voice thread,diigo,youtube,mind maps, wiki spaces, proshows,scratch,skype etc.
*OTHERS: Projector
Preparation: Students’ names are added to the teamup with their photos.They will be grouped with 4 peers so that they can work on 3 topics.The English teacher presents some topics and let students think about theones that are suitable for their interests.
1: Introducing the project in class: The English teacher introduces the activities. Sheexplains students the process of the project.They are provided to publish every stageof their studies in the form of flash news on the subject they are working.Teacherpresents the webtools such as diigo,scratch,facebook,twitter in order to make studentsbe aware of collaborating with innovative tachnology during the process. The teachergives the task by explaining which grammatical issues required and let studentsbrainstorm what can be done about the topics. The y prepare mind maps and create a plan about the topic.Ad-hoc collaboration: The teacher asks the students to collaborate with other studentsuse twitter or facebook, as much as possible. The teacher also asks the parents to helpthe students using twitter at home (According to our ‘Ministry of Education’ someweb sides are forbidden including twitter, blogs and facebook with in the schoolnetwork).Students search for related work, follow others and share resources. (viatwitter or facebook)
2: Working on the task learning oriented browsing : Teacher explains the topics, via course books,PowerPoint etc. After each lesson, teacher gives students homework to createresources about the topics. The teams use the internet to collect information abouttheir topics and The teams prepare PowerPoint presentations ,proshows etc. related totheir topics and present them to other teams in the classroom.After their presentationsTheir classmates ask questions about their topic and they will respond to eachquestion. English teacher guides the teams to find free links and to make puzzles,games, quizzes etc. Teams use internet to find links to make free online games andpuzzles and simple quizzes related to the usage and form of the newly learnt point.Teacher guides the teams how to use diigo ,scratch and other online webtools such asBoolify, Reflection: Teacher encourages the students to record short updates andshare with the rest of the class, and after each activity. The students record shortupdates about their work progress Peer Feedback: Teacher guides the students on howto use wiki space and ask the students to publish their presentations, view othersProject and comment on , Students share the presentations, games, puzzles etc. thatthey prepare via Picasa, Facebook, Google Sites , Twitter, Wikispaces. And theyview presentations or projects of other students and comment on them. Informationgrouping: Teacher arranges large paper or post-its for students to group and stick theirpaper notes on. Ask them to do the activity as much as they want. The teams groupthe information that they collected, online or stick them on a large paper.Students canuse notepads of class too.They can also use online webtools such as mindmaps-MindMeister, Bubbl.us
ASSESSMENT: The students prepare presentations, online quiz or the worksheet- Prezi, Sliderocket,Myna, Wikispaces, VoiceThread, Picasa, WordPress. The teams analyse thedocuments that are gathered. They revise all the flashnews again. Then, they decidewhich of the presentation format they prefer. The teacher revises all the flashnews,comments again. According to the mental notes and the feedback from the others sheevaluates the group Performance as well.
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